
Add Patch

(per Garment)

Custom Patches, Fast!

Patches are the most cost effective, and can be reused elsewhere. There are embroidered or stitched separately and then added to a garment. Since ESD products have a suggested maximum of washes they can handle, this is a great option for when you just want a logo added to apparel. Orders up to 100 garments can be turned around in as little as 2 weeks!

A one-time $50 setup fee will be charged at checkout for logos.


Compatible file extensions to upload: png, jpg, gif

Maximum image width: 1000 px.

Maximum image height: 1000 px.

Maximum 100 characters

Standard Embroidery Thread Colors

Custom thread colors are available at an additional charge.

StaticTech ESD Smock Embroidery Colors

Standard Embroidery Fonts

StaticTech ESD Smock Embroidery Fonts
More Information
Sold As (per Garment)
SKU I230544
Brand StaticTech
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