ESD Assessment & Monitoring Services
Monitoring ESD control programs poses a significant challenge. Many companies have developed programs based on ANSI S20.20 to avoid ESD damage in workspaces, but the question remains: how can you be sure that your program is effective?
- Are you looking for continuous validation of your ESD process?
- Are static events threatening your facility, product, and reputation?
- Are you spending too much time on repairs?
- Are you getting optimal yields?
- How can you verify if your Ionizer is working?
- Is your current ESD control program up to standard?
- How do you manage different sites?
PAC's ESD monitoring program is the answer to these questions, ensuring your ESD program is working properly. See how it works:
ESD Assessment
The ESD Assessment goes beyond the typical survey, helping you identify and address EOS and ESD issues.
PAC will provide quantifiable data that allows you to make improvements to your ESD process by sampling select areas in your facility and providing a written assessment that will include numeric findings, gaps between the program and industry standards ANSI/ESD S20.20 and IPC-A-610E, best practices, and improvement recommendations.
During the audit, you can expect:
- A facility EOS/ESD assessment checklist verification
- An EPA ESD control items test per ESD TR53
- The EOS/ESD assessment findings (see an example report)
- A list of recommendations
The Process

Static Management Program for Data Acquisition
Our SMP Diagnostic Kit captures data from your workstations, equipment, and ESD event continuous monitors to provide a real-time picture of critical manufacturing processes. With this kit, an ESD coordinator can manage their ESD program from anywhere across multiple sites throughout all manufacturing stages.

1. The Static Management Program captures data from your workstation(s), equipment, and continuous ESD monitors.

2. You are presented with quantifiable data that allows you to see trends, become more proactive, and prove the efficiency of your ESD process control system.

3. The Static Management Program continuously monitors personnel, equipment, ESD events, and ionization.
Your Workstation, Connected from Beginning to End!

Scale at Your Own Pace!

You don't have to invest much, because this solution will scale as needed. It works for small, medium, and large businesses, depending on production levels. With the initial kit, you receive: