SelecTile ESD™ Interlocking Floor Tiles

SelecTile™ ESD Flooring is the world's first and only free-floating, interlocking, ESD floor system, utilizing proprietary technology and recycled materials. When the tiles are snapped together, they become electrically connected, eliminating the need for expensive conductive adhesives and copper foil strips. SelecTile covering systems provide total electrostatic discharge protection for the entire static free zone. Once completely installed and properly grounded, you are guaranteed to maintain a relative neutral state with your work environment.
As we all go about our daily tasks, static voltage differentials can potentially build up within our very own bodies. Given the extremely susceptible nature of electronic components to stray electromagnetic fields and static discharges, the simple act of getting in close proximity to these devices can have disastrous effects. SelecTile™ is specifically engineered to ensure that your valuable equipment and components are kept safe from such damage caused by ESD. Lastly, given that SelecTile™ doesn't require adhesives or foil strips, installation is quick and simple.
SelecTile™ ESD Flooring provides unparalleled electrostatic discharge protection in the area of electronics manufacturing and Data Center/Server Room environments.
SelecTile™ ESD is made with a minimum of 20% recycled materials, and is the only ESD conductive flooring of its kind that can contribute to LEED™ Credits. One of our most prominent goals is to achieve a higher level of social responsibility within our industry, and in doing so, we hope to influence other organizations that depend on our products, to attain a more developed sense of environmental awareness.