Fume Extraction

Traditional and advanced manufacturing processes require consideration for irritative, harmful, and even carcinogenic VOCs and particles. Not unlike air pollution, evolving processes and increased volume requires additional measures to reduce risks of respiratory issues, birth defects, chronic illness, cancer, and even loss of cognitive function. Every manufacturer is responsible for providing safe working conditions determined by safety standards such OSHA's chemical hazards and toxicity guidelines.

JBC Solder Fume Extractor

Fume Extractors

Fume Hood Cabinet

Fume Hoods

Downdraft Table

Downdraft Tables


Choosing the Right Fume Extraction Filter

Fume extractors are found in nearly every manufacturing area hosting excessive chemical vapors, aerosols, and particulates. Filtration efficacy differs based on the number of operators, contaminant character, filter specification, and task complexity. The capture of particles by fume extraction or retainment systems ranges between 2% and 99%+. Filter design is important based on the size and particle characterization or chemical composition. Choosing a fume extraction system designed for your application is the best way to gain a performance edge.

Filters & Accessories

Solder Fume Extractor Filters

Replacement Filters

Solder Fume Extractor Hose

Arm Kits & Hoses

Solder Fume Extractor Plenum

Nozzles, Hoods & Plenums

Weller Solder Iron Handpiece with Fume Extratctor

Extraction Handpieces

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