Basic System Kit, includes NIST Certificate
What's Included
- PRS-812 Resistance Meter Set
- PFK-100 Electrostatic Field Meter Set
- PDT-740B Static Decay Timer
- PFK-100H Instrument Holder
- PHT-771 Digital Psychrometer
- PGT-61-164 SureTest® Circuit Analyzer
- PRS-801-W 5 lbs Conductive Rubber Electrodes (2 each)
- PRS-800CS Cable Spacers Set - 36" & 10"
- PWS-610M Fabric Band Wrist Straps
- PWS-620 Metal Band Wrist Straps
- Q007B Common Point Ground Connector
- PSC-010 Pony 3202 - 2 inch Spring Clamp
- PRS-801-WW Electrode Cleaning Wipes (5)
- PK-2/300 SKB Carrying Case with Handle and Wheels
- PAB-023 Accessories Box
- Certificates of Calibration with data, traceable to NIST
- User Manual
Measure Resistance, Electrostatic Fields, and More. Designed for ANSI/ESD S20.20 Program Applications.
- Combines resistance capabilities and advanced field measurement
- Measure work surface, equipment, furniture and flooring resistance
- Check ground and electrical circuit reliability
- Measure electrostatic fields
- Analyze ionizer performance
- Balance ionizers
- Measure body voltages
- Measure charge generation and decay time
- Measure temperature and relative humidity
Wide Range. Accurate. Portable.
The PAK-210 ESD Auditor's Kit expands your measurement and audit capabilities. The Basic System Kit includes all of the equipment in the PFK-101 and PMK-151 Kits and adds the necessary equipment for testing wrist strap and footwear checkers, advanced ground and electrical circuit assessment and detailed wrist strap audits. The PAK-210 includes Prostat's PRS-812 Resistance System Set with modified 5 pound conductive rubber electrodes, the PRS-812 wide range resistance systemYou can take measurements at 10 and 100 volts with accuracy within ±5%.
Measurement Range
The PRS-812's accurate wide range of 0.1 to 9.9x1012 ohms, with capabilities to 1.0x1014 ohms, offers exceptional flexibility in measurement applications. In effect, it is 3 instruments in one because it functions as:
- A low resistance range instrument for measurements from 0.1 to 1.0x104 ohms. Most competitive instruments do not measure accurately at or below 1.0x103 ohms. Thus, the typical ESD practitioner must carry a DMM for low resistance checks of ground connections. To ensure-field accuracy, the PRS-801CC Calibration Shunt is used to confirm and adjust the accuracy of its 0.1 to 10 ohm resistance range.
- A wide range audit instrument that meets and exceeds requirements for ANSI/ESD S20.20 and TR53 periodic verification (audit) procedures from 1.0x103 to 1.0x1011 ohms. Measurement guidelines require accurate measurements from one decade below to one decade above the resistance requirements of a facility's ESD program. The PRS-812 easily exceeds this requirement by as much as 2 decades, depending on program requirements.
- Precision high resistance instrument for Packaging measurements to S541 Standards, for material and product testing, and acceptance verification. Few competitive instruments can measure accurately up to or beyond 1.0x1011 ohms, while the PRS-812 comfortably measures up to 1.0x1012 ohms.
Measurement Flexibility
Connect to virtually any 2-wire fixture or electrode configuration. The PRS-812's simple 0.75" inch terminal spacing provides connectivity to a variety of electrodes and fixtures. Terminal design allows use of mechanically shielded or non-shielded banana plug leads. BNC adapters with 0.75" inch spacing mount directly to the PRS-812 terminals for measurements with wide range probes and fixtures
Measurement Speed: Electrification Period
Along with the PRS-801, the PRS-812 is one of the fastest measurement instruments in today's precision measurement market. Laboratory tests confirm the PRS-812 can measure from 0 to 1.0x1012 ohms in 2.5 seconds. Thus, its specified electrification period (EP) is 8 seconds in accordance with ANSI/ESD STM 11.11 Surface Resistance of Planar Materials. Furthermore, its EP is automatically adjusted to insure a stable measurement is displayed.
Multiple Modes of Operation
The PRS-812 has Automatic, Manual and Auto-Manual operational modes, plus exponential display or standard numeric display in ohms, K-ohms, M-ohms, G-ohms and T-ohms. It's easy to use and read. Measurements are summarized in decades using multiple LED's from <103 to >1012.
Constant Test Voltages
PRS-812 has three Test Voltages ranges that provide stable test references for repeatable measurements. In AUTO mode, the instrument automatically selects the proper test voltage for the resistance being measured.
- <10 Volts: 0.1 to 9.99x103 ohms. <10V is variable across this range from 0.1 mV to 9.99V
- 10 Volts - Constant Voltage under Load. Constant at 1.0x104 to 9.99x105 ohms. Target calibration is to within ± 0.01 volt, and always within ±1%.
- 100 Volts - Constant Voltage under Load. Constant at 1.0x106 to 1.0x1012 ohms. Target calibration is to within ± 0.01 volt, and always within ±0.1%
Measurement Convenience & Calculations
Not only does the PRS-812 make accurate measurements quickly, it stores up to 80 measurement data points in its memory. Press the RECORD/RECALL button to retrieve information and calculate attributes of the stored data. Minimum Recorded Measurements. Maximum Recorded Measurements. Average of all Recorded Measurements. The PRS-812 is a convenient, accurate instrument that meets virtually every measurement requirement in the ESD standards world.
The PGT-61-164 SureTest® Universal Circuit Analyzer now tests circuits internationally. This patented unit incorporates all the branch circuit testing capabilities you need to effectively test and troubleshoot a branch circuit from 85-250 volts, and 45-65 Hz.
The PHT-771 Digital Psychrometer is provided for temperature and humidity measurement. The kit also includes modified wrist straps for instrument and personnel grounding, a common point ground adapter plug, clamps, clips and an operator's manual. It's all contained in a molded carrying case with retractable handle and wheels.
SKU | I339902 |
Mfg. Part Number | PAK-212 |
Brand | Prostat |
Model / Series | PRS-812 |
Includes | NIST Certificate |